Money has always been a controversial subject mainly among religious folks. Many believe that the bible says that money is evil and consequently guide their lives based on that assumption. They are filled with fear and guilt when dealing with money. I was one of them.
They think like that because that’s what they were led to believe by their religious leaders, culture, traditions, etc. The funny thing is that religious leaders, mainly those from big denominations are (usually) financially rich. Makes you wonder right? Either they don’t understand the bible, or they understand but intentionally keep people blind. Know the truth and the truth will set you free. One of the main reasons people suffer is because they lack the necessary knowledge and wisdom to make the most out of life. They don’t know the truth.
When someone believes that money is evil, what do you think will happen? They sabotage themselves into thinking that they don’t need to prosper, even if their lives are going downhill. They can see something is wrong, but their beliefs are holding them back and preventing them from acting and solving the problem.
I’m not saying that money will solve all the problems. Prosperity is much more than money. But we cannot deny that having money plays a key role. Families are being destroyed apart because of money problems, people are not having access to healthcare because of money problems, I could write a whole book on what problems the lack of money can cause. Simply put, lack of money causes stress, and stress is scientifically proven to be the cause of destructive behaviors and diseases.
Now, if God is good, would he want us to be financially poor and suffer? Does that even make sense? Of course not. Remember, God put Adam and Eve in Eden which was paradise on earth. That clearly shows that God always wanted us to have the best on earth. And to have the best on earth, you definitely need money. This applies to everyone, no exceptions.
So, let’s really analyze one of the passages in the bible people use to justify their beliefs that money is evil. The passage says, “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil…” (1 Timothy 6:10). Notice that is not the money that is evil, it’s the love of money that can lead people to do evil. And the love of money here actually means an unhealthy relationship with money. Loving money more than everything else will turn money into your master and you into its slave. We are called to be free, not slaves. This passage in the bible is referring to uncontrollable greed and covetousness that leads people to do crazy things for money.
Let’s consider for example those who still money from other people so they can get rich fast. Do you really think these folks are prosperous? They might enjoy the money for a while, until they get caught and thrown into jail or go through a public humiliation. Everything done in the dark will come to light soon or later. It’s the law of the universe.
The lesson here is to not be afraid of pursuing financial growth. Money is not evil. It’s what you do to get the money or how you use the money that can be evil. But you can always choose to do good with the money you have.
As Robert Kiyosaki (the famous Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad) once said, “the lack of money is the root of all evil”. Although I tend to disagree that all evil is caused by the lack of money. There are people with lots of money but still doing evil things. But you get the idea, it’s no fun to be financially poor.
I hope this article will somehow help you get rid of this belief that money is evil, or at least created a spark in you to further meditate on this subject. You need money to live a good life and to be able to help others. By improving your financial life, you will have more to give.
But again, prosperity is not only about money so make sure you explore our website for more articles and tips on how to hack prosperity and become the best version of yourself. You can also subscribe to our newsletter so we can notify you when new articles are published. And please take a moment to share this article on your social media or with friends and families. Give and you will receive.