About Us

Welcome to Prosperity Hacking

We strongly believe that if you are in our website, it means that, like us and many others, you are looking for ways to improve and expand yourself to become what you are meant to be – prosperous and free. For that, we commend you. Many say they want to change, only a few take action.

Prosperity Hacking is all about uncovering hidden wisdom and knowledge that progressively leads to freedom, success, and prosperous life.

Many people think prosperity is all about money. Prosperity is much more than that. While money is a big part of it, it’s not enough to determine whether a person is prosperous.

Have you ever wondered why some people commit suicide or get into addictions and other destructive behaviors, although they have lots of money? If money was enough, they wouldn’t be doing that. They would be the happiest folks on earth. 

What about folks with terminal diseases who would be willing to give most of their money just to have the chance to be healthy again?

Prosperity includes freedom, health, love, spirituality, and other good things in life that sometimes not even money can buy.
People are suffering due to lack of knowledge and wisdom on how to make the best out of the gift of life freely given to us by our Creator. Because they don’t know the truth, they are prisoners to their own mind and emotions. Know the truth and the truth will set you free.

As the famous Author and Coach Tony Robins said, “Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more”. And the only way we can become more is through constant quest for practical wisdom and knowledge which when applied to our lives will powerfully transform the way we see and live our lives.

Our sincere hope is that this website will become an important source of wisdom and knowledge that will cause powerful impact in the life of everyone who comes here and consequently improving their lives and the lives of those around them.
It’s our belief that when you give, you receive. It’s the law of attraction. Positive actions attract positive things. The results are powerful, and everybody wins when like-minded people create synergy towards a prosperous and joyful life.

In this website you will find articles and information on different subjects such as health, entrepreneurship, spirituality, marriage, self-awareness, inspirational quotes, among others. Things that really matter in life.

We trust you will enjoy the vast amount of information you will find here and more importantly that you will put it to test and act on it. Knowledge without action is dead.

Money & Entrepreneurship

In this category, you will find articles about money and entrepreneurial spirit.


It includes tips and tricks to improve your overall financial life by providing valuable information and strategies which, when applied, will progressively lead to a better financial life.


You will also find articles on how to develop your entrepreneurial skills and get your product and services out there.

Empowerment & Motivation

In this category, you will find articles that will empower and motivate you to become the best version of yourself.


You will have the understanding that you are meant to succeed and be something greater than what you can imagine. 


You will also find quotes and information about successful people who have achieved great things in life and have impacted the humanity in different ways.

Health & Wellness

In this category, you will find articles about health and tips on how to keep yourself energized to face the day-to-day challenges.


It also covers several subjects related to mental wellness and how to take care of your mental health. You will learn how to deal with worries, stress, pain and other issues that affect our mental state.


Everything you need to achieve physical and mental strength to face everyday challenges and get the best out of life.