You may have heard the song “Don’t worry, be happy” by Bobby McFerrin. If you haven’t, you can always find it online (on YouTube for example). It makes you feel good. Part of the lyrics says: “In every life we have some trouble, but when you worry you make it double…” That’s powerful. I know, easier said than done. But it can be done. It’s a decision you can make anytime.
If you search for the meaning of the word “worry” on Google, you may find the following definition: “give way to anxiety or unease; allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles”.
That’s it. Worriedness causes anxiety, anxiety can lead to stress, and stress can lead to destructive behaviors and diseases. It’s in your best interest not to be worried all the time. That’s not a good way to live your life.
Not being worried doesn’t mean the thoughts won’t come to you. Yes, disempowering thoughts will always come to you. What makes the difference is how you deal with those bad thoughts or fear that can lead you to worry.
Being happy doesn’t mean that you will always be smiling. Being happy or worried is all about your mental state when dealing with challenges in life.
When you are going through tough times or when you read the news and all you see is problems, it can trouble you and make you worry. But you can always decide to be happy, meaning you will focus on the positive things of life and not let the challenges turn your life into bitterness and misery. Instead, learn from the challenges and upgrade yourself to the next level.
But let me ask you a question. How being worried will solve the problem? If being worried doesn’t solve the problem, why even worry? If there is a solution for your problem, why worry? If there is no solution for your problem, then why worry?
It’s important that we educate and train ourselves to take control of our minds, otherwise it will take control of us and that’s when things start getting weird. Let’s train ourselves to be practical and focus on the solutions, not the problem. Instead of focusing on the problem and going on a trip down the darkness, we should always try to maintain a positive attitude when facing bad times. Our mind is powerful, if you focus on positive things, positive things will happen.
But again, the thoughts will always come. That’s what we call temptation. The negatives thoughts will always come to tempt you, but it’s your job to resist the devil and it will flee. The devil here is all the negative thoughts that comes to your mind tempting you to worry, to get depressed, stressed and ultimately and progressively destroy your life. If you resist the bad thoughts, they will go away, and you would have learned to control your mind. It’s better to do something about the problem and try to find solutions than getting yourself imprisoned by fear.
You see, successful people are problems solvers. They face same challenges as you do, sometimes even bigger challenges. But in the end, they always overcome the challenges because they trained their mind to not worry (focus on the problem) and to be happy (focus on the solution and learning from the challenges). It’s all about having a positive attitude towards life and use your God given free will and talents to overcome temptations and become the best version of yourself.
Let’s say, for instance, that you hear that a wave of layoffs is coming to the company where you work. That’s something that can get anyone worried. You have a family to feed, bills to pay, the last thing you need is to be fired from your job.
But here is the thing. Maybe you are not going to be fired. If that’s the case, you worried for nothing.
If you are going to be fired, how being worried will help solve the problem? Instead, wouldn’t it be more productive to start thinking in a solution in case you get fired? What can you do if you get fired? Is there a side hustle or business you can start right away that can bring you extra income? How can you use your severance package to invest in something that can multiply your income? Is there another company that can hire you? Is there any contact you have that can help you land a job or an investment opportunity?
You see where I’m going? This is just one example, but that’s what I mean by focus on the solution, not the problem. You can do it. If other people can do it, you can do it as well. Remember, positive thinking is powerful, and fear is a liar.
Whatever the situation is, make sure you are taking care of yourself. Have enough sleep, exercise and be thankful for the good things you have.
Whenever the fear or worries come, take a deep breath, and make a powerful statement such as “I’m not going to worry because it won’t solve my problem. I decide to think and act positively towards solving my problem.”. If you have to repeat that several times, that’s fine. Make sure you are taking a deep breath (inhale and exhale) before making the statement. That’s something I practice myself and it feels good.
I trust this article has provided you with great information and insights on how to deal with worries and live a more joyful life.
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